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Phone Bank for Washington state's GMO Initiative!

Please support the Washington state GMO labeling initiative - Join us on Oct 7, 14, 21, & 28!
Occupy Sonoma County is organizing phone banks on the four Monday evenings in October. If you live in Sonoma County please join us in calling Washington state voters to get 522 passed. For more information contact
Dates & Locations:
- Monday, October 7 at 7 PM: Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County, 467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa, 95401
- Monday, October 14 at 7 PM: Environmental Center of Sonoma County, 55A Ridgway Ave, Santa Rosa, 95401
- Monday, October 21 at 7 PM: Environmental Center of Sonoma County, 55A Ridgway Ave, Santa Rosa, 95401
- Monday, October 28 at 7 PM: Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 547 Mendocino Ave Santa Rosa, 95401
Link to Yes on 522 reference materials.
If you do not live in Sonoma County or wish to make calls privately from home please contact the Yes on 522 folks directly to join this vital campaign!
Label GMOs in Washington!
Label GMOs everywhere!
Event Date:
Repeats every week every Monday until Mon Oct 28 2013.