Earth Action Campaign


The Occupy Sonoma County Earth Action Campaign focuses on climate change, climate justice, GMOs, toxic chemicals and Earth-related topics.

The Earth Action Campaign meets monthly on the 3rd Mondays at 7 PM at the Peace & Justice Center, 467 Sebastopol Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Check the calendar for meeting details.
Contact us to join our Earth Action listserv to receive our weekly newsletter.

Take action now - Get involved - Join us today.

Call To Action To The Entire Community!

We urge all groups including schools, neighborhood associations, organizations, clubs, churches, and groups of all kinds to adopt a Climate Declaration.  Adopt ours or write your own.  Our declaration is not copyrighted.  We encourage everyone to use or edit this writing as their own.  Share your Climate Declaration with local governments, the media, write articles, and share information.

Occupy Sonoma County Climate Declaration

Occupy Sonoma County, along with concerned, forward thinking people all over the world, declares that climate change has reached catastrophic proportions as evidenced by the current level of CO2 in the atmosphere, the melting of polar ice caps, and the continual rising of global temperatures.  This is a global emergency, and we must act immediately.​  We invite all forces of life to join together for our survival.  We stand up for life.

We recognize that the root of climate change is a capitalist system run by money greedy corporations and the governments that they control.  We actively oppose greenhouse gas producers, nuclear power investors, and fossil fuel companies by boycotting their products, developing alternatives, divesting from corporations that endorse them and insisting that governments at all levels take action.  We call on all governments and corporations to adopt life-sustaining practices immediately.

The people must act now to stop this destruction from continuing and reverse the damage this has caused​.  The future is in our handsWe are the 99%!


Earth Action

The fossil fuel industry, from pipelines to fracking, coal, and nuclear power, has put our planet on a dangerous collision course that must be corrected immediately. Earth Action Campaigns like ours are mobilizing against big money and special interests that are creating a global emergency, but we can win because we are the 99%!

May Meat Challenge

The May Meat Challenge is an annual educational campaign about the greenhouse gas (GHG) impact of animal agriculture and conventional food production. To reduce our GHG footprint a shift to plant-based foods is essential to preventing a climate catastrophe. But for many, plant-based eating seems intimidating. The May Meat Challenge provides motivation and resources to start exploring a plant-based diet. For more information and to sign up go to our May Meat Challenge page.

Plastic Free July

Occupy Sonoma County participates in this annual global event along with millions of people worldwide to address mounting concern about plastic pollution. Download our action picker checklist to begin reducing your plastic use now! Sign up at the Plastic Free July website to be counted each year, and to receive information. Join us in planning and participating in our own July events. Check out our video, Card Game at the Plastic Free Saloon.


Genetic engineering refers to a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells and move genes across species boundaries to produce novel organisms. Once released, these genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can easily spread and interbreed with other organisms, and they are virtually impossible to recall back to the laboratory.

Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, provides roughly 90% of GMO seeds in the world. These seeds have been genetically modified to produce their own pesticide or to survive repeated spraying of the toxic herbicide Roundup. GMOs are not designed to increase yields to feed the world, but rather to increase Bayer/Monsanto’s profits. High-priced, patented seeds are sold to farmers who are required to sign contracts stating that they will buy new seeds every year. And as their crops become increasingly herbicide-resistant, more and more chemicals are sold to farmers who are caught in this vicious cycle. Due to the enormous political clout of the biotech industry, the American public is being denied the right to know whether their foods are genetically engineered or not.

Occupy Sonoma County was instrumental in the successful campaign that banned GMO crop production here in Sonoma County.

Sonoma County Climate Activist Network (SoCoCAN!)

On July 31, 2017 Occupy Sonoma County organized a Sonoma County Climate Activists Summit. 73 people attended representing 24 climate activist groups in Sonoma County. We agreed to continue meeting and our network has been supporting the campaigns of the groups attending.​
The name of that group is Sonoma County Climate Activist Network (SoCoCAN!). Look for us on Facebook and Twitter. We have adopted a spokes council structure, asking each group to send one or more people to each meeting so that we can network and coordinate.
The network coordinated three campaigns together in their first year: a green rebuild campaign after the fires that we had here in Sonoma County, a mass mobilization with buses to attend the climate march in San Francisco, and an all-electric ready new buildings proposal that is being seriously considered by Santa Rosa city council. We also supported a successful new municipal composting project. SoCoCAN! has released a statement in support of the Green New Deal, and is active both locally and internationally to address the concerns of climate change.
SoCoCAN! meets on months that have a 5th Monday. Those meetings are posted on our event calendar.
We are all much more effective when we work together as a network!
#SoCoCAN! | |


Shopper's Guide
identify non-GMO products from independently-owned companies that support GMO labeling and have decent labor and environmental practices--AND identify products from companies that don't meet those standards.

The Truth About GMOs
this paper defines GMOs, provides background on the bio-tech industries that produce them, and describes the hazards that GMOs present to the environment and to the humans and animals that consume them.

GMO Glossary
Definitions for terms related to Genetically Modified Organisms compiled by OSC members.

OSC Earth Action Campaign Handout
Info on Occupy Sonoma County's Earth Action Campaign.

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