Community Wellness

imageThe role of Community Wellness is to promote healthy relationships and positive group dynamics within Occupy Sonoma County

Newcomer Welcome!


Occupy Sonoma County was formed on December 3, 2012 as a new Occupy group based on founding principles of egalitarianism, skill-sharing, leadership training, humanity, and relationship building. The original founders of OSC were all participants in the Occupy Movement since it's beginning in 2011.



Communication Guidelines (PDF)
conflict resolution methods for healthy communication.

Anti-Oppression Statement (PDF)
as the Occupy Sonoma County community, we will consciously and urgently work on dismantling systems of oppression in our movement.

OSC Hand Signals (PDF)
Hand signals (gestures) used at OSC meetings.

The Vibes Watcher (PDF)
the vibes watcher is someone besides the facilitator who watches and comments on individual and group feelings and patterns of participation during a meeting.

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