CALLING ALL SONOMA COUNTY CLIMATE CHANGE ACTIVISTS Potluck at 6:00 with simple supper provided by Occupy Sonoma County. Bring a dish to share if you can. Go-round introductions from 7-9 PM. Groups and organizations are encouraged to give a presentation up to 5 minutes. Everyone is encouraged to introduce themselves. Occupy Sonoma County is calling together all climate change groups and individuals in Sonoma County to create a forum for you to network and introduce your group and campaigns. Bring your brochures, flyers, and ideas to gain support and collaboration. What are you working on? This is your chance to get the support of other groups and individuals behind your campaign. We don't have to agree but we do have to work together to be successful at stopping climate change. All contact information will be shared to facilitate networking after the summit. RSVP Appreciated. This event is entirely free with no donation request. There will be a Pay-What-You-Can Plant Sale and Free Seed Exchange so bring your extra seeds to share. facebook • map • contact us • phone: 707-877-6650 |
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