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09/21/15 - Bilingual Event

Solapas principales

Una Conversación Bilingüe Sobre Los OGM / A Bilingual Conversation on GMOs

Occupy Sonoma County Presents

A Bilingual Conversation on GMOs

Monday, September 21, 7-9 PM
Roseland Elementary School, 950 Sebastopol Rd., Santa Rosa

Film Showing:
Biodiversity Without GMO Crops
In Spanish with English subtitles

Luis Santoyo of North Bay Jobs with Justice, Bilingual Emcee

Evelina Molina, Local Activist and Nutrition Educator,
Bilingual Backyard Sustainability Presentation & World-Style Cafe

Pay-What-You-Can Plant Sale
Free Seed Exchange (bring your extra seeds to share)

Free Event with Donations Welcome

Please come to watch the short film 'Biodiversity Without GMO Crops' in Spanish with English subtitles, get tips on growing your own healthy food, and participate in a World-Style Cafe to discuss GMOs.

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are found in 80% of the food in the supermarket.  GMOs can only be avoided by buying or growing organic food.
Evelina Molina will be giving a bilingual presentation that will help us grow our own healthy, organic food.  She will also lead a bilingual
World-Style Cafe process to facilitate open discussion that links ideas within the group to access the collective intelligence and wisdom of the participants.

For more information go to or call
707-877-6650 .

*Occupy Sonoma County embraces the egalitarian, deep democracy principles of the Occupy Movement with a regional strategy for effectively organizing county-wide social justice campaigns that are globally relevant.*

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