Occupy Sonoma County se atiene a los principios igualitarios de la democracia profunda del movimiento Occupy, con una estrategia regional para la organización efectiva  de campañas para la justicia social a lo largo del condado que tengan relevancia mundial.

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'I am a Patriot' by Jackson Browne

Statement of Solidarity from OSC to Black Lives Matter - Santa Rosa


from Occupy Sonoma County
to Black Lives Matter - Santa Rosa

Occupy Sonoma County stands in solidarity with you!

In solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, and specifically Black Lives Matter - Santa Rosa, Occupy Sonoma County recognizes that the white supremacist system of slavery and institutionalized racism is perpetuated daily through unfettered police brutality and a deeply unjust and oppressive legal system both nationally and here in our community.  We support the Black Lives Matter aims to transform the judicial system.  We stand with you, as individual activists and as Occupy Sonoma County, working against all forms of racist oppression with a vision towards a society based on systems of justice and equality. 

Occupy Sonoma County stands with Black Lives Matter - Santa Rosa as we work together to create a truly just and democratic society!

With love and solidarity,

Occupy Sonoma County

467 Sebastopol Ave.
Santa Rosa, California

Approved by unanimous consensus on September 8, 2020

Sonoma County Climate Activist Network


Climate activist groups and individuals working together to address and reverse climate change. We meet on months with a 5th Monday, 7-9 PM. Currently we meet on Zoom.

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Patrick Moore, desafiado a beber un vaso de glifosato

Patrick Moore, un lobbista de Monsanto, en una entrevista con el Canal+ francés, afirmó que el glifosato, ingrediente utilizado en sus herbicidas, no está detrás del incremento de las tasas de cáncer en Argentina. "Usted puede tomar casi un litro y no le hará daño". Revise en este video qué pasó cuando el periodista le ofrece un vaso de pesticida.


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