Mensaje de error

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls en book_prev() (línea 775 de /home/occupy15/public_html/modules/book/book.module).


 the agricultural practice of producing or growing a single crop or plant species over a wide area and for a large number of consecutive years. It is widely used in modern industrial agriculture and its implementation has allowed for large harvests from minimal labor. A huge problem with growing any crop in a monoculture is that once the land has been used to agriculture for a single species, soil fertility diminishes greatly. Also, since all plants in a monoculture are genetically similar, if a disease strikes to which they have no resistance, it can destroy entire populations of crops. [12] Since GMOs reinforce genetic homogeneity and promote large scale monocultures, they contribute to the decline in biodiversity and increase vulnerability of crops to climate change, pests and diseases. [22]

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