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OSC GMO Campaign Meeting Notes - 10/26/15 (Public Version)

OSC GMO Campaign Meeting Notes
Monday, October 26, 2015
Peace & Justice Center

​8 people p​resent​ including 2 by telephone​
Meeting start: 7:15 PM

Reports ​B​ack

  1. Posted GMO news items to listserv
    No progress yet on recruiting volunteers for posting flyers
  2. Helped publicize film showing of 'Iron-Jawed Angels'. Contributed to the great event turnout.
    Helping publicize the Nor Cal Climate Mobilization on 11/21​.​
    Reviewed Spanish anti-GMO flyers provided by Moms Across America. Spanish grammar is poor, so won't be distributed by OSC. ​W​ill drop off at Whole Foods.
    Reviewed WaccoBB posting of climate denier speech by former Greenpeace activist. ​P​lans to reply to post by providing a link to the YouTube video of claiming that Roundup is safe to drink, but then refusing to drink it when offered a glass.
  3. Working on 5th page to GMO paper
    Giving an interview to Burbank Heights (residential community) paper
    Writing a tech paper on GMOs ​with​ plans to submit to the Press Democrat. Paper may also be adapted for an OSC press release. ​W​ill email paper to OSC group when it is ready.
  4. Learned that non-organic wheat (and some other crops) are sprayed with glyphosate just before harvest as a desiccant.
  5. Found new flyer locations and has been distributing lots of flyers
    Uses quarter flyers for handouts
    Will work to update the flyer distribution list
  6. ​Working on selling raised garden beds
  7. Created draft OSC logo and banner


Gazette Article​
​H​as been working to get the Gazette to publish an article on Body Oppression to help promote the OSC November Teach-in. Gazette requested graphics for article, but then decided not to publish it because ​the presenter​ provided nude photos. ​Editor​ did agree to put a blurb about our teach-in into Gazette, though.
​A​sked if the article could be published w/o photos. ​​​Editor said no.​
Gazette has a large circulation, so this may be a big missed opportunity.
​W​ill contact ​editor​ again and try to get ​them​ to publish ​the​ article. Will ask to use stock images that are licensed to the Gazette for the article. ​W​ill email sample graphics that may be licensed to use.
​U​sed to purchase graphics from a website that offered inexpensive and good stock images.
​​​From​ experience​ this editor​ prefers to only publish local area stories.

Talking Points for GMO Interviews
​C​reated the beginnings of a 'Talking Points' document that can be used by OSC interviewees to answer questions about GMOs and provide rebuttals to common claims by pro-GMO groups.
​A team was created​ to finish putting the document together.

Taqueria Letter Campaign
​P​roposed creating a letter template that can be used by people to let their favorite local taquerias know that they are no longer patronizing their restaurants due to GMOs in their food. ​T​he writers state that they now patronize non-GMO restaurants (e.g., the Chipotle chain & independents like Baja taqueria on Piedmont Ave. in Oakland).
​Someone​ of GMO Free Sonoma County is working on a similar idea, but wants the form letter to be mailed to ALL local taquerias. ​U​rged to come to meeting to discuss ​t​his proposal.
​​​We w​ant to work with others on this project.
Incentive for restaurants to offer non-GMO: OSC will add non-gmo vendors to our website as food heroes!

Preparation Brainstorm for MAM Event
Brainstormed list: publicity, permits, costs, performers (music), vendors, route, booths, plants, signs, outhouses, delegations, endorsements, food, speakers, sound system, ice, coolers, chairs, tables, canopy, banners, fundraising, flyer, press release, PSA, translations, interview, media contact, preparation for rain, megaphones, walkie talkies.
​Everyone is requested to continue to review the list of tasks to bring to next GMO meeting.​
Evaluation of our last MAM event ​is included below​.

Review M&P Strategies: Press Release and Letters-to-the-Editor
Press release – ​Someone​ had a conversation with a journalism professor about strategy for press releases. PR's should not only be used for announcing events, they should be used to keep group's issues alive in the press. OSC should create press releases whenever GMOs are in the news. Once we cultivate a reputation for being spokespeople on GMOs, the press may start contacting us to comment on news stories.
OSC will use TitanPad to enable group creation of PR's. ​Someone​ will issue​ the​ releases, but wants the group to share writing them.
Letters-to-the-Editors campaign – get more exposure to our GMO effort by tag-teaming the Letters page. Like our PR strategy, the subject and title should reflect something currently in the news.
​5 ​Participants in L-to-the-E writing​ team.​
​W​ill email Letter ideas to the list.

End meeting 9:15 PM

Next GMO Campaign meeting: Mon, November 23 @  7 PM; Peace & Justice Center
​No meetings in December​

Evaluation Of MAM

What went well.  Plant sale, tabling, donations, organization of the MAM.

Coordinating with the police and the ​ at GMO Campaign meeting June 27
​​marching band went really well. 

Having a porta potty was a good thing and having the power be on this year was an added plus.  Some music failed at the last minute but overall the rally was short and sweet.
​Was stressed.  Some of our needed helpers didn't show.  Had troubles with the mic and felt awkward in front of a large crowd.  Actually gave a speech with the notes which had been intended for being an MC.  In spite of this mishap, did an excellent job and the opening speech was very energizing.
Thrilled at cross section of people.  ​D​isappointed we didn't have more.  ​W​e learned about publicity. There was an article about it in the PD 2 weeks prior.
​Was interviewed by KPFA.
​Liked all the good signs.
KBBF-FM radio was there interviewing people.
Would've liked to see more of friends be there from Sebastopol.
Was very pleased with the event.  Number of hours put into preparation doesn't always equal the number of people who show up.  ​I​t's not a matter of getting the word out.  What motivates people to show up?  Strategy.  Felt energy of the day was very 'sweet'.  ​T​he number of people ​(approximately 300) ​were as many as we could handle comfortably with us being such a small group.  Beautiful weather.  Great team work.  ​Three great volunteers​ showed up without asking.
We raised $650.00.  A third from tabling, a third from plant sales, and a third from buckets being passed in the crowd. 
We had excellent response to endorsemen​​ts and it was well publicized at the grass roots level.
On the down side.  ​W​ished that Global MAM didn’t pick Memorial Day weekend because people go away that weekend.  We all agreed t​hat we will​ contact them with this feedback.
We didn't really have an MC but it worked anyway. 
Great speakers.  ​G​reat job of getting speakers.  Needed better communication.​  ​Rally coordination wasn't really clear.
Some folks flaked at the last minute.  This stress fell ​mostly on one person​.   In the future, we need to have a dependable crew.
One food vendor would've been enough.  i.e. ​V​egan food truck contacted us to support MAM so they would be our first choice as food vendor in the future.
​Take a year to do another march rather than three months if we decide to have one next year.

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 26, 2015
Short Title: 
OSC GMO Campaign Meeting Notes - 10/26/15 (Public Version)
Meeting Type: 

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